Awarded 'slow beer' on Guide to the beers of Italy 2021

The edition of the "Guide to the beers of Italy 2021" has as usual brought the fans of this splendid drink to know numerous breweries scattered throughout every Italian region and their products.
In this edition, the most significant novelty is represented by the prizes that have been awarded, which Slow Food wanted to reinterpret by seeking a simplification combined with ease of use.
Until the previous edition, the prizes awarded were 6, three of which dedicated to breweries and the other three to beers. If for the producers the prize was divided into the various "specialisations", with the assignment of the snail, the barrel and the bottle, as regards the products, the discriminating element were the characteristics of the beer, "slow, daily and great beer".
The prizes for breweries have currently dropped to two, with the snail being awarded to breweries who stand out for the role they play in their sector, for their identity and attention to the environment and the production area, while the "slow" award goes to beers which, besides being unmissable, also have an identity that fully embodies the values of "Slow Food".
Among these beers, there is also Nurca, a product of the Sannio Brewery, which is characterised by its compact foam and also by the light colour completed by "golden" veins. This beer from the Sannio Brewery thanks to the fruity and spicy aromas characteristic of the "annurca" apple and the sweetness of honey is the first "saison" with the heart of the annurca apple, and has an ABV of 6. The complexity of this beer increases thanks to the presence of Risciola and Rye with a slightly acidic and dry finish.
In this new edition of the guide published by Slow Food, the number of companies reviewed by collaborators has decreased, but this has been offset by an increase in "snails", the most important and sought-after recognition by producers, which has awarded a greater number of products.
This guide, in addition to being released in bookstores, can also be found online and confirms that it is the best in the sector, putting together the data that are reported by the over 90 collaborators who have travelled throughout our country, with the coordination of two experts like Luca Giaccone and Eugenio Signoroni, both from Piedmont.